Bali communique der Unternehmen der Welt
As business leaders, it is our belief that the benefits of strong, early action on climate change outweigh the costs of not acting:
- The economic and geopolitical costs of unabated climate change could be very severe and globally disruptive. All countries and economies will be affected, but it will be the poorest countries that will suffer earliest and the most
- The costs of action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in order to avoid the worst impacts of climate change are manageable, especially if guided by a common international vision
- Each year we delay action to control global emissions increases the risk of unavoidable consequences that will likely necessitate even steeper reductions in the future, causing potentially greater economic, environmental and social disruption
- The shift to a low-carbon economy will create significant business opportunities. New markets for low carbon technologies and products, worth billions of dollars, will be created if the world acts on the scale required
...die Swiss Re hat auch unterschrieben. allerdings muss man sich schon fragen, ob die unternehmen nicht einfach selbst handeln können ohne auf eine zwischenstaatliche regulierung zu warten. das sieht doch alles nach öffentlichkeitsarbeit aus. sonst handeln unternehmen ja auch, wenn es im gewinn, lohnsenkung, entlassungen, outsourcing, kapitalverlagerung usw. geht. mutige schritte sind gefragt, junx.